The introduction of the cast steel cross coupling protector to the oil and gas industry in the mid 1980’s served to revolutionise the protection of downhole cables used to power electric submersible pumps (ESP’s), safety valves and other downhole equipment. Historically, damage to downhole cables due to crushing between the production tubing couplings and the casing internal diameter cost the industry millions of pounds in unscheduled workovers and recompletions. The North Sea is one of the most hostile of environments, but today, cable damage is virtually unheard of. This is directly attributable to the introduction of cast steel cross coupling protectors. During the past ten years, the cast steel cross coupling cable protector has been introduced throughout the world’s oil and gas producing regions and from its humble beginnings in the North Sea is now protecting downhole cables from mechanical damage in thousands of oil and gas wells on land and sea throughout the world.